It is an area of medicine that focuses on the health of the respiratory system. All breathing related conditions and diseases of the respiratory system are dealt with by our Pulmonologist. Areas include lungs, lower airways, thoracic cavity, and chest wall.
Asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis as well as infections such as tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis, these are some of the few we encounter daily.
If you are experiencing difficulty breathing, if you have a persistent cough, regularly coughing up blood or mucus, if you smoke, have unexpected weight loss or have trouble exercising due to breathing problems, wheezing and chest pain. It is a sure sign to see a pulmonologist should these symptoms persist.
A simple assessment of the function of the lungs, in particular the large airways that carry the breathed in air into the lungs themselves. This test requires you to breathe in and out through a tube connected to a recording device (spirometer) that allows calculations regarding the efficiency of these airways compared to the expected values in someone of your age and gender.
More advanced assessment of lung function that can determine the amount of air within the lungs after a full breathe in (inspiration) and a full breath out (expiration), the ease with which the lungs transport inspired gases into the blood stream and remove waste gases, and assessments of the response of the airways to medications that cause the airways to open further.
M.D. Pulmonology
Areas of Interest